• 10 Tips for Principals and Boards

  • $9.00

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    Editors: Kathy Pereira and Yvonne Bradley

    This helpful booklet is designed for board members and principals, and shares ten tips for boards and ten tips for principals which will help this fundamental relationship to flourish.

    One of the most important relationships for your board is the relationship between the board and the principal/CEO. This cannot be emphasised enough. Together, you provide direction, leadership, and vision for the school community. Your roles are different, but a school will thrive when the principal and board are working well together.

    This resource shares ten tips for boards and ten tips for principals which will help this fundamental relationship to flourish. The suggestions are not aimed at covering all the obligations and expectations of the roles. Rather, they identify the sorts of issues and challenges that we have observed as being more problematic for our schools in the last decade or so. We believe that if a principal and a board can commit to working with these suggestions together, the whole school community will benefit greatly

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